Burlington H3 Haring Guide

Request a haring date:

  • Choose a location and a co-hare (3 hares max)
    • Check the website to see what dates are free and which locations haven’t been used in a while
    • When choosing your location, consider what is available for parking
    • We live in Vermont, later in our season it starts to get dark earlier, consider doing longer shiggy trails in the summertime when we have more daylight to play with.
  • Contact the Hareraiser to request your desired date. Having a starting location at this time is preferred.

Info to send to the Hareraiser:

  • The Hareraiser will email, create a Facebook event, and update the calendar for the website. These will be posted no later than Sunday evening, therefore please send info as early as possible.
    • Info to provide: shiggy scale rating (see below), headlamp requirement, length of trail, dog friendly?, bug spray, ticks, A to B trail, on-after location (where food is available is preferred), any special considerations (transportation, ending time of trail, etc.)…
    • Shiggy Scale is as follows:
      • Level 1: 100% scooter friendly, will be an in-town trail over streets, sidewalks, stairs, city parks, etc.
        • Level 2: Some off-road, but mostly urban, no significant mud or water. Darth Scooter can traverse the off-roading with minimal difficulty.
        • Level 3: Some scooter schlepping may be required, trail will be on ready-made paths with some trailblazing through the woods. May want to consider shiggy socks on this trail (possible exposure to poison ivy, thorns, etc.)
        • Level 4: Mostly trailblazing and/or swamp/water crossing up to knee high. Could include crawling through dense or thorny underbrush and obstacles such as fences or walls. Darth Scooter ain’t getting through this trail. Shiggy socks are recommended at this level.
        • Level 5: Dense underbrush, briars/thorns, challenging climbing obstacles, soul-sucking thigh-high mud, hazardous water crossings (strong currents, above the knee, etc.). Find yourself an accounta-bili-buddy for trail and get ready to possibly be covered in poison ivy and pull some ticks off your ballsack, a shower beer for on-after will be a necessity!

Scout trail:

  • Plan a couple weeks out
  • If starting at a bar/brewery, it’s always nice to inform the bartenders that we will be there. It is also nice to warn your on-after spot, too, before we all just show up for food right before their kitchen closes (unless you like having spit in your food….)
  • Scout day & night
  • Scout day & night
    • You’ll find new obstacles (think locked/unlocked gates, etc.)
    • It’s a good idea to do one scouting at the exact time the pack will be running trail (i.e. r*n trail at 6:45PM)
  • 3 to 4m True Trail (3.69m)
    • Provide a Turkey/Eagle split if you go over
    • Circle should begin no later than 8:30


  • Arrange with Beermeister to obtain coolers, flour, and chalk NO LATER THAN THE TUESDAY NIGHT BEFORE TRAIL. Make sure you have a trash bag available for empties at each stop
  • If you purchase anything for trail, save your receipts for Hash Cash reimbursement

The Day Of:

  • Arrive Early! 6:00-6:15
  • Make sure you understand our common marks and make sure the Hareraiser knows about anything special for your trail; marks or otherwise. If there are any special instructions, write it out for the RA’s to reference during chalk talk.
  • 6:30 Hares Away

Laying trail:

  • Shitty, not bad. A trail is always obvious, no matter the terrain or YBF length. Get tricksy, but not too tricksy
  • Mark every 10ish strides (less in summer, more in fall/early spring)
  • Later in the season, use longer marks and only white/yellow chalk due to the darkness
  • Try to avoid using “crude” marks at schools and parks (a courtesy for the not-yet-of-age hashers out there)
  • Checks should be used to keep the pack together. Waiting at each BN for the end of the pack will help you to assess if you need to lay more or less

Shot stops:

  • These are optional
  • Paid for by the hares, not Hash Cash
  • Should be sized to slow down the FRBs, not the whole pack (i.e. no 3-liter bags of wine)
  • Can be placed on trail before arrival at the start location or during the trail itself